Why Chad?

       Does anyone else remember that one time Donald Trump enacted a travel ban? While some countries have since been redacted the newest edition to the countries banned from traveling to the United States is Chad. The article explores the possible reasons for the denial of Chadians, and there are not many. The first argument involves a statement saying that "Chad has failed to 'adequately share public-safety and terrorism-related information'". This seems like a counterintuitive statement because the US has made previous statements of their excitement to "expanding the cooperation" with Chad. The article also made a point that "Chad has been one of the more effective US counter-terrorist allies in the Sub-Saharan region for several years". This reasoning seems pretty invalid because the pattern of behavior in Chad in relation to the US has not changed, the only thing that has changed is the President and in turn his interpretations of ties of loyalty from others. What is more probable is that Chad withheld information that exceeded the necessary boundaries of information that the US expected them to provide on a no question basis. That is blind loyalty at its core and we can speculate that is a factor as to why Chad is the newest addition to the travel ban list.
Another argument the article makes is that the White House states that there are "several terrorist groups are active within Chad" and are therefore "justified by 'the significant terrorist-related risk from this country". The terrorist threat in Chad is minute in comparison to other countries such as Mali, Niger and Algeria which ironically enough are not on the travel ban list themselves.
As the article so eloquently states, "If Trump has a rational and realistic explanation of why Chad is on the new list, he is not sharing it for the moment".



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