"Africa has been failed by westernisation. It must cast off its subservience"

The article I found ties directly into the reading of Short Chapter 6. The article discusses exactly what we covered in class, the long-term effects of colonialism in Africa. As debated in class, it is hard to discern whether the colonization of africa can be considered detrimental to the continent or if there is some positive we can extract out of the circumstances. We concluded on the grey area that lies in between, but this article discusses how the model of being “civilized” and “modern” are directly tied to western powers and influences. The article states, “like most people today, has come to accept that the only metric for measuring modernity is through the western lens. This is the heart of the problem”. The article claims that the root of this problem was the initial pull-out of the colonizers from Africa, and how the remnants leftover in the colonies all had a distinct social, political, and economic structures of their western colonizer essentially “hollowing out” the true African culture. Coincidentally enough the article states that the most pragmatic thing to do is to look at past African civilizations that were advanced and and successful during their time in which the author singles out Mali. This article summarizes the discussion we had in class this week by identifying the negative influences the colonizers left on their African colonies and how those problems are still in effect in the 21st century.



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